#10) Local and Global Participatory Democracy (grassroots) #9) Online Advisory Voting (grassroots) #8) Online Candidate Forums (grassroots) #7) Real Time Direct Representative Democracy (grassroots) #6) Citizen Budget Oversight Councils (grassroots) #5) Approved Voting (law change) #4) Corporate & Business Parliament (law change) #3) Online State & National Conventions (law change & grassroots) #2) […]
To Rebalance our planetary relationship we need to initiate board application of Integrated Sustainable Design for all of the resources we produce and use. The key difference between our current economy and a natural based economy? Landfill, which will no longer exist in a Natural Based Economy. To create a cyclical resource stream, we will have to […]
People always ask “What will the new economic experience be like?” My answer; pretty much the same as the one we have now, but with better deals, environmental harmony, and economic stabilization. Remember way back in the day, when you, or your parents, used to go into the supermarket and there were only named brands […]
The Mac Os Analogy easily demonstrates this application of a new economic system. Do you remember when Mac OS switched from Mac OS 9 to Max Os X in 2001? For mac users, it was a Big deal, and for PC users it was the difference between day and night. You see for Mac users, […]
Many people think that transferring our system to be based on the Real Laws of Nature would require our current system to come to a halt. That is just not true. These proposals will hopefully show that the most efficient and effective way to transition our Money Game Economy to a Natural Based Economy is […]
There are many types of games that we talk about in the English language and it is important to define them and use simple vocabulary so we all know what we are talking about. Finite Games Vs. Infinite Games Created/Fake Games Vs. Science/Natural Law Games Vs Laws When we say “the game of […]
Our current economic system may have a lot of mumbo-jumbo formulas that keep us from understanding how it works, but at the foundation is the simple and inherently greedy rule the defines how we create money itself. All of the other rules and formulas are based off of this single rule. Of course it wasn’t […]
When we ask weather Organizational entities are alive, we first need to ask what are they? We know they are for-profit and non-profit corporations, businesses, governments, and other companies, but that is all legal mumbo-jumbo, what are they really? Organizational entities are of course collections of people, that collectively create agreed upon values, and […]
Humanity’s Evolution is licensed under Simple License Matrix #: 311121 “Mostly Give Credit-Allow Most Commercial Uses” http://SLL.wc.tc/311121 This is a Free Cultural Work that everyone is free to mix and change as needed including within commercial applications and derivative projects. When copying and distributing this work in its original full form, commercial use is allowed […]
Each Topic and/or Proposal presented in Humanity’s Evolution is fully interactive. Anyone can make comments, suggest edits, or directly get involved on our forum chats. In the end though, what matters is not the comments or edits, but the ideas themselves, and to put the ideas themselves to the test, we all need to vote […]