Grocery Club Card Analogy
People always ask “What will the new economic experience be like?” My answer; pretty much the same as the one we have now, but with better deals, environmental harmony, and economic stabilization.
Remember way back in the day, when you, or your parents, used to go into the supermarket and there were only named brands available. Now you go to the supermarkets and they all have Store Clubs where you get a deal on buying generic products financed by the grocery store itself instead of buying the named brands. The store made products are always cheaper than the named brand products. How do they make it cheaper? Because there are no middle men, and no advertising costs to support a Brand Name, and so you buy them.
In a Natural Based Economy instead of just name brands, and store made products, you also add third category, civilization made product. Yes, as we advance into a Type I civilization, our entire unified civilization itself will actually make essential products for basic life necessities that will be produced and distributed globally in the most efficient possible manner, therefore making the cheapest possible product to buy. At first there may only be a few global products, but over time there will be more. Eventually on your grocery shelves, you will see that instead of just name brand products, and store made products, there will also be a third cheaper option, the civilization made product. As these products are made in increasing levels of abundance and with the most efficient production and distribution, they will become cheaper and cheaper, yet for those of you who still want your store made products or your named brands, you can still buy those too.
Not every type of product will be produced by our collective civilization. Only products that are deemed essential for basic life necessities will be produced in abundance which will bring the price down to give everyone across the globe the best deal possible. All other products will be allowed to compete with the civilization made products, and most products won’t even be made by the civilization itself as most products are not necessary for life.
The only real question is why are the products made by the civilization itself cheaper? The answer is simple, because we utilize the most efficient and effective methods, with the largest global bulk production imaginable, which in turn creates the lowest cost per unit. Why would stores want to participate in selling a cheaper product? Because they are part of the global civilized club, and they directly benefit from selling the products as they won’t even be able to make their own products as cheap as they will be able to get them from the global civilization.
Now that you better understand how you would experience the transition, there are many more questions about how it would actually function. All of your questions will be answered in dew time.
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